Selasa, 08 April 2014

Tugas Sofkill 2

Tugas Sofkill 2 -- Make a Block Style Inquiry Letter

Name   : Anisa Maryati                                           Class    : 4EA13          
NPM   :  10210874                                                Date    : Monday 7th  April 2014

132 Jln. Maphilindo Raya
Surabaya 2860


Your ref: AM/LG/2B                                                                                 13th March, 2014
Our ref: SJ/RS/08F

  Miss. Anisa Maryati
Purchase Manager
Insan Prima National Trading Company
Jln. K.H.Noor Ali No.30
Bekasi 10240

Dear Miss. Anisa,

Thank you for your letter of 13th March, enquiring about our complete range of Montana Ladies’ Shoes

We have pleasure in enclosing our latest catalogue, price - list, and terms of payment
together with samples of our promotional gifts.

We hope you will find our price - list and terms of payment satisfactory and look  forward to your trial order.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Juhara
Marketing Manager

Enc. 2