Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Unique festival in Indonesia

Festival Jalan Jaksa in Jakarta
Each year the festival was held in Jalan Jaksa in Jakarta to celebrate the anniversary, on 21 July.
Festival of arts and culture with inidiramaikan Betawi Betawi dances, such as cokek, Mask Blantek, Tanjidor, Gambang Kromong etc.
• Sekaten in Yogyakarta

 Sekaten Celebration in Yogyakarta keratin Maulud held on 5-11 months of Java. The celebration begins with the tradition Miyos Sekaten Gongso, the procession issuing a pair of Gamelan Heritage of storage sheds in the keratin, toward the mosque Gedhe west plaza.
• Kerinci in Sumatra

 Kerinci Festival held in July, looks attractive because the smells are served in a magical attraction. As nitik Naik palace of attraction of two dancers dressed in traditional walk on fire and then extinguish the embers apidengan hands. They also contain eggs atasmangkuk road in the heat that should not be broken, break a lance and jalann on top of sharp spikes that are made.

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